
Posts Tagged ‘spider monkeys

Hi, this is Carks signing in. I am home, and I am happy to be home, to see all my friends and to see my cats.

Five days ago we were in Tikal and we went to the grand plaza and climbed Temple II (that’s a two in Roman numerals), but I already told you about that.

Four days ago we were in Tikal, and we hiked up to Temple IV (that’s a four) and climbed to the top. We hiked there in the dark at four in the morning, because we wanted to see the sunrise from where they filmed Star Wars. We were the only ones there at the top for about two hours, but we didn’t see the sunrise because there were too many clouds. We heard the howler monkeys wake up, though. We came back down, and when we were hiking back it started raining and we got soaked but my sister was singing anyway. Then we had to pack up and get on a bus to Guatemala City.

Three days ago we were in a hotel called the Casa Grande in Guatemala City, it was a mansion, it was big and fancy. We went to the zoo, we saw animals like hippotamuses, giraffes, zebras, lions, tigers, coatis, monkeys, things like otters called nutrias, jaguars, toucans, parrots, pheasants, macaws, a komodo dragon, turtles, baboons with babies, camels, spider monkeys with babies, a white tiger, ocelot kittens (an ocelot is a type of wild cat), owls, vultures, hawks, pelicans.

Two days ago we were on an airplane from Guatemala to Atlanta. We got on the plane, it was boring, I just technically watched TV. Then we landed and got another plane, that one flew from Atlanta to Ohio. And when we got to the airport we got our luggage and went outside and waited for my aunt to pick us up, we looked everywhere and then when me and my mom were coming down the escalator we saw her. And then she drove us home. It was cold, I was prepared for summer but it was winter. There was snow on the ground.

This is Carks, signing O-U-T out, ffoorreevveerr!!!!!!

January 15, 2012

We are in Tikal, which is a place with tombs and temples and palaces built by the Mayans more than a thousand years ago. The buildings are made of rocks, and ashes and rubber hold the rocks together. We came to Tikal to see where they filmed Star Wars, and to enjoy ourselves, and because our ancestors built this place.

Temples are made in a pyramid shape, with four sides square at the bottom, and they’re really tall and have rock stairs. The archaeologists don’t want you climbing on the rock stairs, so you get to the top by wood stairs. When you get to the top one of them has rooms at the top and you can go in but the rooms are empty. Some of the temples have rooms at the top that you can’t go in, they have a fence across and I don’t know why, maybe because the archaeologists are working. When we get to the top of a pyramid or the highest they let you go, me and my sister sit on the rock stairs while my dad takes pictures and looks at things in the binoculars.

We climbed up two or three or five temples, my sister says five. We climbed one of the temples three times up and down on the wooden stairs, because me and my sister were bored because my parents were taking too long taking pictures.

Today we had our lunch on the stone bleachers where you would watch a ballgame called pic-a-tosh that the royalties, the kings and princes, would play. You play it with a wood ball covered with rubber but you can’t use your hands, only your elbows and knees and feet. The ball court looked like a small garden, it had grass around it and in the middle, and on two sides there were stone walls that were slanted.

We saw coatis, one was in the plaza between the pyramids begging for food. The coatis look like raccoons, with tails like lemurs that curl at the end and are really long. Yesterday we saw a whole flock of coatis, and I was the first one to see them, there were seventeen and some were babies, and they crossed the road in front of us and we stopped for them and took pictures.

Yesterday we saw monkeys in the jungle, spider monkeys. They had long tails that they used to swing with, and they used their hands, and we saw one baby with all the adult monkeys. The baby was swinging on its mom’s back. We also saw spider monkeys over the swimming pool at our hotel, there were two that were swinging over to a tree to go to bed because it was getting dark.

We saw a flock of toucans eating fruit in a tree, when we were walking back home to our hotel. We saw some turkeys but they look different than Ohio turkeys, we didn’t see any big tail feathers and their feathers are baby-blue colored on their heads and necks and their other feathers are black and brown and green, green especially on their wings.

For our meals we have chicken crepes, or pasta, or an American Breakfast – which is scrambled eggs, bacon and a muffin. Tonight I think I’ll have chicken crepes. This is Carks, signing out.

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