
Posts Tagged ‘kites

13 November 2011

On Saturday after breakfast I did my Ohio homework while Dad and A walked to San Juan and back. Then A did her homework while I walked to the pine tree with Dad. The pine tree is not really a pine tree it’s a tower for cell phones, made to look like a pine tree.

On Sunday morning we went to the market up the hill next to the church. I saw sombreros that I really liked that were brown, black, and tan. People were selling fish and crab and shrimp. There was a lot of people at the market and the streets were narrow. After that we took a boat to Panajachel. We shopped in another market there, we were looking for a kite for our friend AL’s birthday but we couldn’t find a kite so we bought nail polish for her. We ate lunch in Panajachel and I had a drink that had fresh lime juice and fizzy soda water. Then we went to the birthday party.

At first the birthday party was boring. But then all the kids showed up and it started being fun. We played hide-and-seek and tag with a girl we met there before. There was music and a clown, and once when the clown was looking for boys I went up and we did a fun thing, we had to blow up a balloon and tie it and run and pop it on our mom’s or dad’s lap. There was a pinata for the boys and one for the girls, the girl one Smurfette and the boy one was Buzz Lightyear. The cake was frozen.

We had to take a boat home and when I was on the boat I was going to get out and then I hit my second to last baby tooth on the boat and the tooth fell out and in to the water.

11 November 2011

This was Friday and for Spanish school when we got there we put more string on my kite and then we tried flying it in the cornfield but that didn’t work. So we climbed up on a ginormous cliff and it was really windy up there and it blew me and the kite so hard I thought I was going to fall off the cliff where there was a very great view of the town where we are living and the lake. A little after that, when we were heading back I found a stick of bamboo which I hope my neighbor at home in Ohio named N likes because he likes fighting. At school there is a punching bag that looks like a water holder and now and then my sister A punches it into the bamboo trees.

After snack, which was chuchitos and melon, we walked to my teacher’s house, which was far away. There was one old dog and three cute kittens. One kitten looked like my cat Ramona and another looked like my sister’s cat Merrie. We met my teacher’s two sisters who were very nice, and then we walked back to school.

After school it was too windy to go swimming or kayak so we did something else. We went to the Internet café where I had a smoothie and played chess and Battleship and dominoes and read some books. The people there spoke English but they had an Australian accent. Then me and my sister played cards, we played slapjack, go fish, and war. We went to my blog and I was happy to see comments. We came home and had dinner and played with the cat and that’s it.

10 November 2011

Today when we got to school we did some Spanish learning, and then while Anna worked I drew a picture. Later on at nine we got a huge piece of paper for a test tomorrow but I forgot my test at school. Later after the snack, which was chuchitos and melon, we got pieces of bamboo and made kites I think the word is barrileta or maybe papalote. We got the bamboo from bamboo trees around the school, some glue, and tissue paper and string. We took pictures but we can’t put up pictures on my blog yet but we will when we get back to Panajachel. When I was done making my kite it turned out to be a dragon. After school was over I flew my dragon kite.

After lunch my dad and I went down to the lake to kayak. I got a double-sided paddle this time, not a canoe paddle. Dad had the same boat as yesterday and he had a canoe paddle that is harder to use with a kayak. We paddled around the lake, which is from a volcano that blew itself up so whenever we get in the water we are inside the volcano’s crater, and sometimes we see floating rocks that are from the old volcano that blew itself up.

After a while we met some of our friends from swimming yesterday, boys with the names Will and Peter. They are Maya boys so they speak Maya, but they also speak Spanish and even a little English. Will wanted to get in the water but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to get in, so he pushed me in for fun and then he came in. We got the boat that I rode in out into the water and we paddled all the way to a not too deep area and then we played a game to see who could stay standing up on the boat the longest without tipping over. Then we put the boat upside down and I pretended to surf but it didn’t work out that well because Will and Peter were trying to get up on the boat and it tipped and I fell in to the lago (that’s Spanish for lake). When we were all done in the water we pulled the boat back up to shore and dried off and said see you guys tomorrow. My dad thought we should invite them over to our house or they should invite us over to their house.

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